Lucky Naka: Jason Shiga-corn (L) and John Pham
Lucky Naka: Mark and Jing
Lucky Naka: P.J. and D.M.
Lucky Naka: Liz and Andy
Lucky Naka: Ken Tanaka is still looking for his parents
Lucky Naka: cheese
Lucky Naka: Mari and Gary
Lucky Naka: Andy Ristaino and Me
Lucky Naka: what are you looking at?
Lucky Naka: something still looks weird
Lucky Naka: beer goggles
Lucky Naka: mustach filter
Lucky Naka: conflict at the concourse
Lucky Naka: watch where you point
Lucky Naka: john pham (l) and steve
Lucky Naka: Mario Hernandez
Lucky Naka: hi ladies, do you like zines?
Lucky Naka: breakfast at Mari's
Lucky Naka: versatile
Lucky Naka: halloween night SF
Lucky Naka: mystery "man"
Lucky Naka: jean claude van dam
Lucky Naka: WHAAAAAAA!
Lucky Naka: i'm serious dude
Lucky Naka: totally serious
Lucky Naka: table 108 at A.P.E. 2008
Lucky Naka: table 108 at A.P.E. 2008
Lucky Naka: my halloween mask
Lucky Naka: ying, yang and the flowerpot man
Lucky Naka: hellen jo is the monkey king