lucindalunacy: Restore Sanity!
lucindalunacy: Death to Extremists!
lucindalunacy: Bears for Colbear
lucindalunacy: Loli's afraid of the Dark
lucindalunacy: Why aren't Humans Still Evolving Into Monkeys?
lucindalunacy: I Filibustered Your Mom Last Night!
lucindalunacy: TIGHTS ARE NOT PANTS
lucindalunacy: MY ARMS ARE TIRED
lucindalunacy: FIGHT FOX
lucindalunacy: Legalize Gay Pot
lucindalunacy: Get over yourselves
lucindalunacy: This is not the sign...
lucindalunacy: Characters draped on Statues
lucindalunacy: I LIKE TAXES
lucindalunacy: THE SKY IS FALLING
lucindalunacy: END THE WAR
lucindalunacy: I may not agree with you...
lucindalunacy: END THE WAR
lucindalunacy: Micky and Crowd
lucindalunacy: Screw Y'all
lucindalunacy: Larry Fine is Fine
lucindalunacy: Mixed Messages
lucindalunacy: Tea Party Putting the Dumb in Freedom
lucindalunacy: Protect Your Right to Arm Bears
lucindalunacy: Unemployed Man
lucindalunacy: Legalize it!
lucindalunacy: God Hates Rallies
lucindalunacy: I hope this isn't blocking your view
lucindalunacy: I got Better