lucindalunacy: Delegates Milling around Signer's Hall
lucindalunacy: Creepy Ben Franklin
lucindalunacy: Peg Leg Gouverneur Morris of PA
lucindalunacy: Please Listen to Me
lucindalunacy: Psst...I've got a Secret
lucindalunacy: Where's the Party?
lucindalunacy: I'm sure it will be Okay
lucindalunacy: Shall We Dance?
lucindalunacy: I am Confident! and Gosh Darnit, People Like Me.
lucindalunacy: Delegate Ponytail
lucindalunacy: Delegate PonyTail
lucindalunacy: I love Ruffles
lucindalunacy: I must Ponder this...
lucindalunacy: My Wig is Fabulous
lucindalunacy: Hey you, over there!
lucindalunacy: What? What did I say?
lucindalunacy: Delegates Represent
lucindalunacy: Ooooh, I see what you did there!
lucindalunacy: He's Little like Me!
lucindalunacy: Hmmm, You do Have a Point There...
lucindalunacy: Don't forget to Vote tomorrow!
lucindalunacy: Obama is leading at the Constitution Center
lucindalunacy: Obama is leading at the Constitution Center
lucindalunacy: I'm standing where Hillary Stood
lucindalunacy: I'm standing where Obama Stood
lucindalunacy: You could stand at Hillary's Podium
lucindalunacy: You could stand where Obama stood too
lucindalunacy: Obamaniac!
lucindalunacy: From his Speech here
lucindalunacy: Barack Obama's autograph