cptav: horsey ride on Daddy
cptav: Birthday Boy
cptav: horsey ride
cptav: a sunny Sunday
cptav: coffee and scones on the porch
cptav: warm enough to roll in the grass
cptav: 3D lens
cptav: Sunday morning scones
cptav: Star Wars Monopoly
cptav: nap time
cptav: a perfect October day
cptav: garter snake crossing
cptav: the snake and the waterfall
cptav: scattering milkweed ballerinas
cptav: a fine hike!
cptav: a patch of soft moss
cptav: primary colors in a blueberry lot
cptav: where's shara?
cptav: scattering Muji's ashes in the North Berry Lot