cptav: Rentavilla
cptav: big mother turtle
cptav: Jim Lynch
cptav: Statue of........
cptav: still defending
cptav: the monster is moved
cptav: big front door hole
cptav: In the beginning
cptav: Muji checks the stoneware
cptav: gone.....Day One
cptav: at the end of Day One
cptav: Day Two
cptav: Day Two
cptav: Day Two
cptav: Day Four..constructing the patio
cptav: cutting, fitting, leveling...Day 4
cptav: Day Four...new patio in progress...up top
cptav: Day Four...upper wall
cptav: Lower steps...Day 5
cptav: Finally, a way up...Day 5
cptav: Happy Eggs
cptav: My Eggplant does the Hoola
cptav: them and us
cptav: 42 years and going strong
cptav: only in Manhattan
cptav: feminine mystique
cptav: superlative meringue
cptav: near Williamstown
cptav: Cambridge, NY...after the rain
cptav: Near Williamstown