Lucille W: Rei de Portugal
Lucille W: Yoko
Lucille W: Girls at Work
Lucille W: Meat is Murder
Lucille W: Walk Away
Lucille W: SaÌda de Emergência
Lucille W: Moteur!
Lucille W: Brown and his family
Lucille W: Classé X
Lucille W: N°28
Lucille W: The Horse Parade
Lucille W: 1€
Lucille W: Greve Geral!
Lucille W: A Lady Of A Certain Age
Lucille W: Colors of Love
Lucille W: Votat
Lucille W: This Way
Lucille W: On a marché sur la terre
Lucille W: Behind the curtain
Lucille W: Matos
Lucille W: Playtime
Lucille W: Common people
Lucille W: No Dogs