L.deavila57: New York from the Hotel Window
L.deavila57: New York from The Hotel Window
L.deavila57: I love New York
L.deavila57: 9-11 Memorial, Reflexions
L.deavila57: Central Park, New York
L.deavila57: New_York_Jan14-28.jpg
L.deavila57: Central Park, New York
L.deavila57: New_York_Jan14-32.jpg
L.deavila57: 9-11 Memorial
L.deavila57: New Tower, WTC, New York
L.deavila57: WTC, Reflexions
L.deavila57: WTC, Reflexions
L.deavila57: New Tower, WTC, New York
L.deavila57: Ground Zero, WTC, New York
L.deavila57: WTC, New York
L.deavila57: New WTC Tower
L.deavila57: Ground Zero Surroundings