Luciefocus: New scarf improving Autumn by approx. 120 stripes.
Luciefocus: Ok hair. You do your thing.
Luciefocus: Oregon water makes my hair fluffy.
Luciefocus: Lovely rainy Monday morning. Makes your hair curly.
Luciefocus: Happy Walpurgisnacht.
Luciefocus: Sind wir bald da? #2015
Luciefocus: I wish I had as much bounce as my hair today.
Luciefocus: This turnip keeps hitting on me. Vegetables, srsly.
Luciefocus: Providing color. #winterselfie
Luciefocus: #hoodie #selfie
Luciefocus: And there goes my hair.
Luciefocus: Wenn Mittwoch schon Freitag ist. #yeah #tgif
Luciefocus: Almost done with my Cousin It Halloween costume. #selfie
Luciefocus: Retro Selfie. Relfie?
Luciefocus: When did I start looking like a character from Dynasty? #Selfie
Luciefocus: #Selfie Kommentar zu dieser Woche.