Lucid Revolution: Grindhouse Promo/Signing at Jim Hanley's Universe
Lucid Revolution: the JHU Film crew talking to people on the line
Lucid Revolution: The line went on and on and on and on
Lucid Revolution: The line went on and on and on and on
Lucid Revolution: The line went on and on and on and on
Lucid Revolution: The line went on and on and on and on
Lucid Revolution: Excited for the signing, maybe?
Lucid Revolution: Talking to the press...
Lucid Revolution: Press was everywhere...
Lucid Revolution: It was a long, long line...
Lucid Revolution: OMG Sexy Bastards
Lucid Revolution: Shooting the breeze...
Lucid Revolution: Freddy getting out of the fancy entourage of cars
Lucid Revolution: Freddy Rodriguez with the Grindhouse HC
Lucid Revolution: before the frenzy really began
Lucid Revolution: Right this way Mr. Tarantino
Lucid Revolution: Mr. Tarantino has entered the building...
Lucid Revolution: Quentin being flashed (by photographers)
Lucid Revolution: Quentin showing off the issue of Wizard promoting Grindhouse
Lucid Revolution: Yeah so, I gotta like, Interview you now, Mr. Tarantino...
Lucid Revolution: Quentin being intereviewed by Fox Five
Lucid Revolution: Yeah so, McDonalds totally payed off Fox to have me serve you this greasy bag of food...
Lucid Revolution: Larry loves to make videos...
Lucid Revolution: Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino
Lucid Revolution: Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino
Lucid Revolution: Robert, Freddy and Quentin doing promo shots
Lucid Revolution: Shiny Happy People Signing Things
Lucid Revolution: I drank that bottle of seltzer because Quentin didn't...
Lucid Revolution: Things are getting hectic... Nick holding down the fort...
Lucid Revolution: Lovely people waiting on line for the signing...