stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps. Black on purple, inside
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Black on purple.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Black on purple.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Happy days, inside.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Happy days, back.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Happy days, front.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Pink rainbow.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Pink rainbow, inside.
stanslaw: Wallet- upcycled fabric scraps.Pink rainbow, front.
stanslaw: wallet- coral cubism
stanslaw: wallet- coral cubism
stanslaw: wallet- coral cubism
stanslaw: wallet- a little romance
stanslaw: wallet- a little romance
stanslaw: wallet- a little romance
stanslaw: wallet- a little romance
stanslaw: wallet- in the jungle
stanslaw: wallet- in the jungle
stanslaw: wallet- in the jungle
stanslaw: wallet- in the jungle
stanslaw: upcycled wallet- blue denim & yellow
stanslaw: upcycled wallet- blue denim and yellow
stanslaw: upcycled wallet- blue denim and yellow
stanslaw: corduroy wallet- blue and coral
stanslaw: corduroy wallet- blue and coral
stanslaw: corduroy wallet- blue and coral
stanslaw: upcycled wallet- red and blue lace
stanslaw: upcycled wallet- red and blue lace
stanslaw: upcycled wallet- red and blue lace
stanslaw: corduroy wallet- balloons