Lucas the nomad: A spacious chicken bus
Lucas the nomad: Not your tourist stop machetes, these are the real deal
Lucas the nomad: Volcan Concepcion from Finca Magdelena
Lucas the nomad: Caitlin and some hieroglyphs
Lucas the nomad: Hieroglyphs
Lucas the nomad: Hieroglyphs
Lucas the nomad: Hieroglyphs
Lucas the nomad: Hieroglyphs
Lucas the nomad: Coco Loco
Lucas the nomad: Ojo de agua
Lucas the nomad: Ojo de agua
Lucas the nomad: Ojo de agua
Lucas the nomad: Ojo de agua
Lucas the nomad: Group shot
Lucas the nomad: Note to self, bad posture exagerates manboobs :(
Lucas the nomad: The roads on Ometepe are pretty good these days
Lucas the nomad: Chicken bus fun with Morgan and Andrei
Lucas the nomad: Sleepy puppy
Lucas the nomad: Volcan Concepcion sunset
Lucas the nomad: Volcan Concepcion sunset
Lucas the nomad: Tarantula
Lucas the nomad: Waterfall on the side of Volcan Maderas
Lucas the nomad: Our guides and their noisey car speaker
Lucas the nomad: Tormenting freshwater crabs
Lucas the nomad: Getting smashed
Lucas the nomad: Stilling moonshine
Lucas the nomad: Drying beans
Lucas the nomad: Village kids showing us how their OLPC laptops work
Lucas the nomad: Gangster
Lucas the nomad: Shot by a kid