Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Uh yeah - singer
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
This is how I play
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
C'mon everybody! - Maestro
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Light, camera, action! - filmaker
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Let's start with - Announcer
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
I've practiced so much...
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Light show
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Sing for your life!
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
So I press here and then...
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Voice/woman power
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Now chorus
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Singer feet - high heel
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Announcer and maestro = lead the show
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Starting with lights!
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Let the music get onto your life...
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Fashion singer - high heel
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Last adjust before the show
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Blond singer
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Who said that I can't sing Elvis?
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Let's focus on the score
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
The voice that moves your life
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Light the singer!
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Even the feet are important - high heel
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
It's in my skin...
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Accordion moment
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
We believe in music!
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
Voice extra power!
Lucas Andreas Schulze:
On the spot...