lucas_bear: The Teddy Bear of Rassilon
lucas_bear: The Teddy Bear of Rassilon
lucas_bear: Cryogenically cool
lucas_bear: Teddie Krueger
lucas_bear: The Professor
lucas_bear: Wilf (without the antlers)
lucas_bear: Wilf!
lucas_bear: Respect the bullwhip
lucas_bear: Do I have to spell it out?
lucas_bear: With apologies to David Tennant
lucas_bear: Merry Christmas
lucas_bear: Happy Halloween/Samhain
lucas_bear: 11th Doctor
lucas_bear: Bear on Tour
lucas_bear: Bear on Tour
lucas_bear: DSCF5796
lucas_bear: DSCF5795
lucas_bear: DSCF5794
lucas_bear: DSCF5782
lucas_bear: DSCF5778
lucas_bear: Note to self...
lucas_bear: A Bear at the Beach
lucas_bear: A Bear at the Beach
lucas_bear: Happy Easter
lucas_bear: Red Nose Day 09
lucas_bear: And so to bed...
lucas_bear: "Aren't you bit short for a storm trooper...?" (1 of 4)
lucas_bear: "Aren't you bit short for a storm trooper...?" (2 of 4)
lucas_bear: "Aren't you bit short for a storm trooper...?" (3 of 4)
lucas_bear: "Aren't you bit short for a storm trooper...?" (4 of 4)