*lucaNRT*: Happy Easter! - EXPLORE 11-apr-2009
*lucaNRT*: High Speed Models - Trenitalia AV family - EXPLORE 27-mar-2009
*lucaNRT*: Magnolia Japonica - EXPLORE 21-mar-2009
*lucaNRT*: Total Eclipse of the Moon - EXPLORE 16-mar-2009
*lucaNRT*: Can you see my shopping bag? - EXPLORE 9-mar-2009
*lucaNRT*: Happy 8th March! - Explore 7-mar-2009
*lucaNRT*: Purple explosion - EXPLORE 22-feb-2009
*lucaNRT*: Almond bud - EXPLORE 28-feb-2009
*lucaNRT*: "Generations - sooner or later..." - EXPLORE 2-mar-2009
*lucaNRT*: Treasure in the garden - EXPLORE 15-feb-2009
*lucaNRT*: Papilio Machaon - EXPLORE 12-feb-2009
*lucaNRT*: Mystical Sunrise - rev with Orton - First one explored: EXPLORE 22-feb-2009 ;-)
*lucaNRT*: ROSE STUDIO 2 - EXPLORE 13-gen-2009
*lucaNRT*: Nestor the Rooster - EXPLORE 12-apr-2009
*lucaNRT*: Mediterranean Colors - EXPLORE 07-ago-2009
*lucaNRT*: rainy day in the summer - EXPLORE 03-ago-2009
*lucaNRT*: Last Days of the Year - EXPLORE 26-dic-2009
*lucaNRT*: Merry Christmas!! - EXPLORE 24-dic-2009