That Photos Taker: Tre Gocce
That Photos Taker: Three Water Drops
That Photos Taker: Espressione Illeggibile
That Photos Taker: Cavalier in Black
That Photos Taker: (#21 - 2012)
That Photos Taker: (#11 - 2012)
That Photos Taker: (#39 - 2012) Red Passion - {EXPLORED}
That Photos Taker: (#51 - 2012) Pallocchia
That Photos Taker: (#132 - 2012) Eowyn
That Photos Taker: (#135 - 2012) Un fiore per la mia regione {EXPLORED}
That Photos Taker: (#139 - 2012) Little shoes waiting for something....
That Photos Taker: (#140 - 2012) Eowyn always likes to pose....
That Photos Taker: (#13 - 2013) Love
That Photos Taker: (#31 - 2013) She comes in color.
That Photos Taker: (#40 - 2013)
That Photos Taker: Her eyes. {EXPLORED}
That Photos Taker: We are thinking