luca.m.: Daubensee and Daubenhorn
luca.m.: Lämmerenboden
luca.m.: Daubensee
luca.m.: on the way
luca.m.: early morning
luca.m.: Gemmi, a tectonic point of view
luca.m.: Flintstones!
luca.m.: Désirée
luca.m.: Michi
luca.m.: the front of a rock-glacier
luca.m.: fossile
luca.m.: broken
luca.m.: Rindenhorn
luca.m.: break
luca.m.: on the way
luca.m.: observation
luca.m.: on the way
luca.m.: from the schwemmebene
luca.m.: alps before
luca.m.: alps after
luca.m.: down below
luca.m.: Murgang
luca.m.: Herr Bläsi
luca.m.: cartography
luca.m.: on your left Schrattenkalk, on your right Kieselkalk
luca.m.: the masters of the sedis
luca.m.: Panorama, Gemmipass
luca.m.: Photo Now!
luca.m.: H. R. Bläsi
luca.m.: H. Weissert