Luca6Photo: To the honor of Mom.
Luca6Photo: Dreams.
Luca6Photo: 愛情是,陽光普照時也為妳撐起雨傘。
Luca6Photo: Happiness is Simple.
Luca6Photo: Looking.
Luca6Photo: Coffee Time.
Luca6Photo: Find some sweeties.
Luca6Photo: Space in between.
Luca6Photo: 夜太美.
Luca6Photo: This is my sunshine.
Luca6Photo: Always on my spot.
Luca6Photo: Well met.
Luca6Photo: 白日白夢。
Luca6Photo: Taste the wind.
Luca6Photo: Breakfast time.
Luca6Photo: Photography, a way of seeing.
Luca6Photo: Find your own stage, be Perseverance.
Luca6Photo: 逆光.
Luca6Photo: 放晴.
Luca6Photo: 燭光.
Luca6Photo: 悼念.
Luca6Photo: Candle light.
Luca6Photo: Candle light.
Luca6Photo: Candle light.
Luca6Photo: Candle light.
Luca6Photo: Peace.
Luca6Photo: To the horner.
Luca6Photo: Time to have some water.
Luca6Photo: Turquoise Monday.