lujeanhopkins: View from Deck
lujeanhopkins: View of Street from Deck
lujeanhopkins: Snow covered trees and rose bush
lujeanhopkins: Part of front yard
lujeanhopkins: IMG_1379 - Copy
lujeanhopkins: Front yard
lujeanhopkins: Front yard
lujeanhopkins: View of our house covered in snow
lujeanhopkins: Lots of snow
lujeanhopkins: Our house and front yard
lujeanhopkins: View of hills from our deck
lujeanhopkins: Vacant lots next to our house
lujeanhopkins: Snow covered bush in our front yard
lujeanhopkins: Tree in our front yard
lujeanhopkins: Our bird bath
lujeanhopkins: Our bird feeder
lujeanhopkins: Part of your front yard and vacant lots next door
lujeanhopkins: Snow covered Magnolia tree
lujeanhopkins: Snow covered neighborhood and hills
lujeanhopkins: Back yard
lujeanhopkins: Magnolia tree
lujeanhopkins: Our little pine tree
lujeanhopkins: View of hillside from our back deck
lujeanhopkins: Front yard and adjacent vacant lots
lujeanhopkins: View from our back deck
lujeanhopkins: View from back deck
lujeanhopkins: Our house
lujeanhopkins: Our house covered in snow