Lú_: Fuschia
Lú_: Eternal Summer (Yellow)
Lú_: Eternal Summer (Pink)
Lú_: Crowned in Pink
Lú_: All Together Now
Lú_: Spring Curls
Lú_: as close as this
Lú_: Study in Phyllotaxis
Lú_: A Pretty Thing
Lú_: Rose, with Evidence
Lú_: In the Pink
Lú_: Stylish
Lú_: tolmlemine
Lú_: stigmata
Lú_: Fade
Lú_: The Thistle at the End of the Alley
Lú_: Columbine, end of the day
Lú_: Camellia
Lú_: Daisy
Lú_: In the Pink
Lú_: In the Purple
Lú_: Puffy Ball of June
Lú_: the tiny aliens
Lú_: An Abundance of Roses
Lú_: As June Fades
Lú_: The Pink in There
Lú_: Hanging Garden of Manning Avenue
Lú_: Peony
Lú_: Ghirardelli Flower
Lú_: Spring Dressed in Pink