Lú_: Jonah, with decor and view
Lú_: Mondo reflects on stardom
Lú_: hanging with Mondo
Lú_: Printing in straight lines
Lú_: TO FlickrMeet at the Madi (1)
Lú_: TO FlickrMeet at the Madi (2)
Lú_: TO FlickrMeet at the Madi (3)
Lú_: Anabowl
Lú_: cameras & beer
Lú_: 110 film is very Now
Lú_: other people's toys
Lú_: camera, beer, film box ... shooting Stefan
Lú_: Hellophotokitty Does Detroit
Lú_: trishlet as a blonde
Lú_: female photographers (for David Attenborough)
Lú_: what time it is
Lú_: full house
Lú_: Now, *that's* a camera
Lú_: touristing
Lú_: the photographer
Lú_: shooting the dog
Lú_: untitled (PD day, Charles G. Fraser Public School)
Lú_: metaphotographic infinite loop (or, the girls goofing around)
Lú_: he doesn't think so
Lú_: beer & cameras
Lú_: they don't really think so either
Lú_: and he isn't sure what he thinks
Lú_: Kathy, with artist's and press passes
Lú_: Kathy on set
Lú_: Trish, in conversation (Detroit, February 2007)