Latitudes | Barcelona:
Cover 'Amikejo'
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Cover 'Amikejo'
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Cover and spine of 'Amikejo'
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Title page
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"Amikejo" Contents page
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"The Amikejo Accords" essay by Latitudes
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Peter Osborne essay "'Fragments of the future’: Notes on project space"
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Ryszard Zelichowski's essay "Neutral Moresnet and Amikejo: the Forgotten Children of the Congress of Vienna"
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Pages by Pennacchio Argentato
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Text on Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum exhibition
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Theo Beckers essay "Free time. The rise and fall of a social project"
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Text on Uqbar exhibition
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"On Mirror Images in Nature: How Identical Forms Can Be Completely Different", essay by Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen
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"On Mirror Images in Nature: How Identical Forms Can Be Completely Different", essay by Prof. Dr. Menno Schilthuizen
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Text on Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch exhibition
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Reprint from George Perec's "Species of Spaces and Other Pieces" (1974)
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Artists biographies
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Installation views of Pennacchio Argentato show
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Installation views of Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum show
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Installation views of Uqbar show
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Installation views of Fermín Jiménez Landa and Lee Welch show
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Textos en Español
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Reprint of "Medios sin fin" by Giorgio Agamben
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'Amikejo' book launch flyer
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Book launch of 'Amikejo' at the Drielandenpunt, 2 June 2012
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Drienlandenpunt signage
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Book launch of 'Amikejo' at the Drielandenpunt, 2 June 2012
Latitudes | Barcelona:
Book launch of 'Amikejo' at the Drielandenpunt, 2 June 2012
Latitudes | Barcelona:
Book launch of 'Amikejo' at the Drielandenpunt, 2 June 2012