Lars Trebing: Wörner macht heiß
Lars Trebing: Vergelt’s Gott!
Lars Trebing: Freiheit statt Bevormundung
Lars Trebing: Evening in Munich
Lars Trebing: Pendler brauchen Hilfe
Lars Trebing: Man walking a dog
Lars Trebing: Red and white
Lars Trebing: Plants
Lars Trebing: Blergh
Lars Trebing: Self-portrait
Lars Trebing: Sphere (I)
Lars Trebing: Sphere (II)
Lars Trebing: Cuboid and poles
Lars Trebing: Car and trees
Lars Trebing: Schon gespeichert?
Lars Trebing: In the grass
Lars Trebing: In the net
Lars Trebing: Conditional love
Lars Trebing: Red van
Lars Trebing: Rein und sauber
Lars Trebing: Do not touch
Lars Trebing: Self-portrait