LSSHANKS: Stir Fry Bento
LSSHANKS: My first real bento
LSSHANKS: Xmas Party Tree (Not Technically Bento, but Food Art)
LSSHANKS: crab spring rolls
LSSHANKS: new years eve 2010
LSSHANKS: Lunch 01-06-11
LSSHANKS: Handmade Lunch Bag for Tiffin Box
LSSHANKS: Picnic Supper 8/5/11
LSSHANKS: crab eggrolls coming out of oven
LSSHANKS: crab eggrolls going into oven
LSSHANKS: My First Attempt At Sushi for My Bentos
LSSHANKS: Goodbyn bento lunch 8/9/11
LSSHANKS: Cream Peach Pie with no cream and Organic Zero sweetener
LSSHANKS: Roasted Tomatoes & Eggplant topped with 3 Cheeses
LSSHANKS: Tiffin bento snacks 8/8/11
LSSHANKS: Almond Creme Cake Truffle Pops
LSSHANKS: Peeps Easter Bouquets for my classroom helpers