LShave: The crew: Neal and Steph
LShave: The crew: Steph and Toby
LShave: Entering the bamboo stand
LShave: The guide: Ismael
LShave: The crew: Dan
LShave: Nature adapting
LShave: The crew: Travis and Melinda
LShave: Dan, asking where to jump
LShave: Neal, launching
LShave: Steph and Neal
LShave: Travis, contemplating
LShave: Travis, suspended
LShave: Climbing down to a safer height
LShave: Our guide, telling us to be careful
LShave: Day 233 - Dan falling from the sky
LShave: Travis feeling the post-jump euphoria
LShave: Large wasp
LShave: Into the abyss
LShave: Dan, suspended
LShave: Dan and Toby
LShave: At the other side of the waterfall, all is calm
LShave: Our hostel
LShave: Dan, preparing to launch
LShave: The descent
LShave: Red bug convention
LShave: "Wow, these pumpkin seeds are GREAT!"
LShave: Day 234 - Hot springs