LShave: Day 239 - The freshly painted church
LShave: Day 242 - Finding a new home
LShave: Richard
LShave: Day 243 - The last of them
LShave: Day 244 - Talking about poverty
LShave: Day 246 - Ari heading for his new home
LShave: Day 247 - Brilliant!
LShave: Day 251 - Wake up call
LShave: Day 256 - Waiting for rain
LShave: Day 257 - Mangoes
LShave: Day 258 - Stamps from 1906
LShave: Day 260 - Burning trash
LShave: Day 271 - A link to home
LShave: Day 274 - New council taking over
LShave: Day 277 - Bean flavored chips
LShave: Day 279 - Alternative Spring Break
LShave: Mother and child
LShave: Day 282 - We're on the map
LShave: View from El Picacho
LShave: Day 284 - New glasses for José
LShave: Day 286 - Remembering Laura
LShave: Day 290 - Fixing headphones
LShave: Day 291 - Video games with Josué
LShave: Day 298 - Watching the rain fall
LShave: Day 300 - Everyday faces
LShave: Day 302 - Don Pancho
LShave: Moldy tortilla
LShave: On the roof, looking for mangoes
LShave: Ah! the fruit of my labor: eating mangoes
LShave: Day 305 - Pirated DVDs