LSE Library: Demonstration, with Gay Liberation Front Banner, c1972
LSE Library: "We Are Nature's Children Too" - Gay Pride March, [1974]
LSE Library: CHE Banners - Gay Pride March, c. 1974
LSE Library: "Gays Against Fascism" - Gay Pride March
LSE Library: A couple holding hands
LSE Library: Vera Jack Holme Poem
LSE Library: Gay Liberation Front Street Theatre
LSE Library: Gay Liberation Front
LSE Library: GLF Plaque on LSE Campus
LSE Library: First GLF Dance Leaflet
LSE Library: Disabled Gays Guide, 1985
LSE Library: Gay Liberation Front
LSE Library: Gay Liberation Front
LSE Library: Gay Liberation Front
LSE Library: Gay Liberation Front
LSE Library: Manchester Women's Group Newsletter
LSE Library: Halloween Dance Ticket
LSE Library: Lesbian Feminist Weekend Guide to London
LSE Library: Edith Lees and Havelock Ellis
LSE Library: Outwrite Women's Newspaper
LSE Library: Wolfenden Report
LSE Library: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement badge
LSE Library: Emmeline Pankhurst speaking to a crowd, c.1910.
LSE Library: Photograph of Emmeline Pankhurstc. 1910
LSE Library: Emmeline Pankhurst and Emmeline Pethick Lawrence, c.1910.
LSE Library: Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst in mock prison garb, 1908.
LSE Library: Emmeline Pankhurst speaking at a Women's Social & Political Union (WSPU) meeting, 1912.
LSE Library: Photograph of Dame Ethel Smyth
LSE Library: Evelina Haverfield and Emmeline Pankhurst in court, c.1909.
LSE Library: Laurence Housman and Clemence Housman, c.1910.