LSE Library:
Visit of the Chancellor of the University of London, HRH Princess Anne to the School, 8 May 1986
LSE Library:
Donald MacRae with students April 1964
LSE Library:
Mathematics Class, 1964
LSE Library:
Student using the library catalogue, 1964
LSE Library:
Geography Department, 1964
LSE Library:
St Clements Building Main Entrance, 1964
LSE Library:
Students' Union Committee, 1964
LSE Library:
Student in Main Entrance to Old Building, 1964
LSE Library:
The Refectory, 1964
LSE Library:
Student working in Statistics Machine Room, 1964
LSE Library:
Student in the Shaw Library, 1964
LSE Library:
Shaw Library, 1964
LSE Library:
An audience in the New Theatre, 1964
LSE Library:
St Clements Building Pigeon Holes, 1964
LSE Library:
Student reading in the Shaw Library, 1964
LSE Library:
Main Entrance Old Building, 1964
LSE Library:
Students in the Shaw Library, 1964
LSE Library:
Shaw Library, 1964
LSE Library:
Geography Department, 1964
LSE Library:
Students and staff at Passfield Hall, c1955-1956
LSE Library:
Dr Meghnad Desai, c1970
LSE Library:
Students in the Sociology Study Rooms, 1951
LSE Library:
A Sociology Lecture, 1964
LSE Library:
Junior Geography Laboratory, 1964
LSE Library:
Students in main entrance, 1952
LSE Library:
David Judd photographing a map, 1964
LSE Library:
Old Library, History Reading Room, 1964
LSE Library:
Library International Law Reading Room, 1964
LSE Library:
Student requesting a book in the library, 1964
LSE Library:
Third Floor Coffee Bar, 1964