LSean: [/366] - Last day
LSean: [209/366] - Thats my stop!
LSean: [208/366] - Queen
LSean: [/366] - I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?
LSean: [190/366] - Irresponsible :(
LSean: Reading
LSean: argue
LSean: walkin
LSean: No god
LSean: [/366] - yellow
LSean: [/366] - working
LSean: [139/366] - Reading
LSean: [127/366] - This meal doesn't taste too good..
LSean: [92/365] - Specialized S-works
LSean: couple
LSean: How to use a light sabre
LSean: kissing
LSean: Japan Candid
LSean: Shopping
LSean: [51/365] - Tired from Work
LSean: [50/365] - Worried
LSean: Isolationn, Is not good for me
LSean: [89/365] - Candid
LSean: Accidental Candid
LSean: Working hard
LSean: [/366] - Too many trips
LSean: [/366] - sad
LSean: [78/365] - More Candid