Lucinda Offer:
Lucinda Offer:
Bar headed goose
Lucinda Offer:
Look into my eyes
Lucinda Offer:
Pochard, Regents Park
Lucinda Offer:
Small waterfall, Regents Park
Lucinda Offer:
Heron, Regents Park
Lucinda Offer:
Male red-crested pochard
Lucinda Offer:
Lucinda Offer:
Duckling comes to investigate
Lucinda Offer:
Assertive duck
Lucinda Offer:
Pelican and child
Lucinda Offer:
Ducks mid quack
Lucinda Offer:
Semi-frozen lake and Buckingham Palace
Lucinda Offer:
Duck chase
Lucinda Offer:
Herons have weird tongues
Lucinda Offer:
Heron taking a drink
Lucinda Offer:
Goose face side on
Lucinda Offer:
Investigative goose
Lucinda Offer:
Mute swans
Lucinda Offer:
Mute swan couple
Lucinda Offer:
Siamese swans
Lucinda Offer:
Mute swan couple
Lucinda Offer:
Bent necked swans
Lucinda Offer:
No ugly duckling
Lucinda Offer:
Swan dripping
Lucinda Offer:
Swan dribbling
Lucinda Offer:
Whooper swan
Lucinda Offer:
St James's Park winter sunset
Lucinda Offer:
The longest neck catches the bread
Lucinda Offer:
Swan scrum