//LQ//: phate in colour
//LQ//: pog 90
//LQ//: dawn merge
//LQ//: conc
//LQ//: stapleton
//LQ//: we run
//LQ//: sky cadet
//LQ//: untitled
//LQ//: press ink clouds
//LQ//: moving sideways
//LQ//: ground rainbow
//LQ//: double radius
//LQ//: go below
//LQ//: eye-dentity
//LQ//: tranplant
//LQ//: peer pressure
//LQ//: who needs colour 1
//LQ//: who needs colour 2
//LQ//: one of the many promises
//LQ//: guitar strings of winter
//LQ//: syrup i
//LQ//: syrup ii
//LQ//: syrup iii
//LQ//: taken aback
//LQ//: electron vision
//LQ//: visual A
//LQ//: honest wages
//LQ//: juxtaposition inquisition
//LQ//: truth in context
//LQ//: withheld information