sanddodger: P1250062-Cooper's Hawk in TCP riparian area. Speculation: that might be one of the Purple Martins (seen in the park lately) serving as food : Speculation.
sanddodger: P1250703-young (vertical stripes on chest and yellow eyes) Cooper's Hawk
sanddodger: P1250717 new to Tohono Chul Park.
sanddodger: P1250741 120 frames per second- Lesser Finch
sanddodger: P1250649
sanddodger: P1140323-Arizona state bird with Checker BF.
sanddodger: 20150308-P1180546-Edit
sanddodger: P1180976
sanddodger: P1190601
sanddodger: P1180654
sanddodger: P1180664
sanddodger: 20150310-P1180607-Edit
sanddodger: 20150310-P1180621-Edit
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180370
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180378
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180381
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180407
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180408
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180409
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180411
sanddodger: 20150303-P1180412
sanddodger: 20150310-P1180738
sanddodger: 20150320-P1200172
sanddodger: 20150320-P1200181
sanddodger: 20150320-P1200204
sanddodger: 20150322-P1200312 Family Portrait
sanddodger: P1200399
sanddodger: P1200428
sanddodger: P1200755