LPJC: unidentified dragonfly
LPJC: jumping spider
LPJC: tree frog
LPJC: Uracis infumata on a day to remember (or forget!)
LPJC: Uracis infumata on a day to remember (or forget!)
LPJC: Screech owl
LPJC: Screech owl
LPJC: Serve yourself (but poor conservation attitude!)
LPJC: Yellow-tufted woodpecker - male
LPJC: coreidae bug
LPJC: monkey grasshopper
LPJC: lonhorn beetle
LPJC: probably Pleasing fungus beetle
LPJC: White-chinned jacamar ?
LPJC: small frog
LPJC: unidentified dragonfly
LPJC: Pleasing fungus beetle
LPJC: small frog
LPJC: Erythrodiplax unimaculata - male
LPJC: Ameerega trivittata
LPJC: dragonfly
LPJC: dragonfly - Erythrodiplax unimaculata male ?
LPJC: Toad!
LPJC: tree frog
LPJC: Harvestman
LPJC: monkey grasshopper
LPJC: monkey grasshopper
LPJC: Phoeniciagrion sp. ? (cf Phoeniciagrion flammeum)
LPJC: Yellow-tufted woodpecker - female
LPJC: Yellow-tufted woodpecker - female