LPJC: Jumping spider with prey (Frigga pratensis - female)
LPJC: Spotless ladybird, or ladybug (Cycloneda sanguinea)
LPJC: Shieldbug (Euthyrhynchus floridanus, Common name: Florida Predatory Stink Bug)
LPJC: Shield bugs (Mormidea notulata)
LPJC: Spider (Cupiennius sp - male)
LPJC: Spider (Eriophora sp.)
LPJC: Bug apparently (Possibly a hopper?)
LPJC: Not a moth! (awaiting ID - suggestions made below)
LPJC: Bug (juvenile shieldbug or stink bug I think)
LPJC: Wasp (Synoeca sp. - possibly Synoeca septentrionalis)
LPJC: Damselfly (Argia sp. - female it seems but possibly not yet recorded!)
LPJC: Grasshopper (awaiting ID)
LPJC: Tiger beetle (Pseudoxycheila tarsalis, Common name: Central American montane tiger beetle)
LPJC: Bug (unknown type)
LPJC: Tortoise beetle (possibly Stolas sp. - probably lebasi)
LPJC: Damselfly (possibly Argia sp. - female)
LPJC: Beetle (unknown type)
LPJC: Insect (awaiting ID - possibly an ichneumon wasp)
LPJC: Damselfly (probably one of 3 possible Argia sp. it seems)
LPJC: Forest-floor millipede (Nyssodesmus python) - ID being disputed
LPJC: Dragonfly (Orthemis macrostigma - a male)
LPJC: Spider (Micrathena probably sagittata)
LPJC: Lanternfly bug (Phrictus quinquepartitus, Common group name: Fulgorid Planthopper)
LPJC: Jumping spider
LPJC: Bullet ant
LPJC: Dragonfly (Micrathyria pseudeximia)
LPJC: Dragonfly (Red-faced Dragonlet, Scientific name: Erythrodiplax fusca) - a male
LPJC: Dragonfly (Brown Setwing, Scientific name: Dythemis sterilis)
LPJC: Dragonfly (Micrathyria pseudeximia - a male ♂)
LPJC: Dragonfly for ID purposes