LPJC: Rufous-collared sparrow
LPJC: Volcano hummingbird
LPJC: Quetzal
LPJC: Quetzal
LPJC: Long-tailed silky flycatcher
LPJC: Black-capped flycatcher
LPJC: Butterfly (Mexican Silverspot)
LPJC: Gray-tailed (or White-throated) mountain-gem
LPJC: Sooty robin
LPJC: Green violet-ear
LPJC: Yellowish flycatcher
LPJC: Wilson's warbler (male)
LPJC: Resplendent quetzal (a male ♂)
LPJC: Tufted-Flycatcher (Common or Northern)
LPJC: Cedar waxwing
LPJC: Spiny lizard (male)
LPJC: Black-thighed grosbeak
LPJC: Butterfly (probably Catasticta teutila flavomaculata )
LPJC: Spiny lizard (baby)
LPJC: Flame-coloured tanager
LPJC: Black and white owls
LPJC: Hoffmann's woodpecker (chick)
LPJC: Scarlet macaws
LPJC: Hoffmann's woodpecker (male)
LPJC: Kingfisher (Amazon or Belted?)
LPJC: Black vulture
LPJC: Green and black poison dart frog
LPJC: Whiptail lizard
LPJC: Tent-making bat
LPJC: Common tody-flycatcher