LP365: seattle
LP365: moving the plane!
LP365: Checking the petrol
LP365: moving
LP365: Fuel!
LP365: in the plane
LP365: junctions
LP365: Friday Harbor
LP365: Push!
LP365: our fearless pilot
LP365: checking out the plane
LP365: We are going here
LP365: Mapping our route
LP365: Lunch in Friday harbor
LP365: walking to lunch
LP365: Transport
LP365: Wings Aloft
LP365: more moving
LP365: the prop
LP365: tail
LP365: Skyhawk
LP365: Aloft
LP365: the hanger
LP365: No we don't have to flap our arms to fly, Leanne!
LP365: San Juan Islands
LP365: under the wing
LP365: our transport
LP365: fish-shaped island
LP365: races
LP365: yachts