Craig Sefton: sunset over crocodile river, buhala
Craig Sefton: sunrise over crocodile river, buhala
Craig Sefton: the rules of the road
Craig Sefton: the local bar
Craig Sefton: weaver, one
Craig Sefton: weaver, two
Craig Sefton: crested barbet, one
Craig Sefton: hippos, one, colour
Craig Sefton: hippos, two, black and white
Craig Sefton: standing tall
Craig Sefton: impala, one
Craig Sefton: impala, two
Craig Sefton: impala, three
Craig Sefton: impala, four
Craig Sefton: buffalo guard
Craig Sefton: southern-most baobab, one, black and white
Craig Sefton: southern-most baobab, two, colour
Craig Sefton: vulture
Craig Sefton: zebras, one
Craig Sefton: zebras, two
Craig Sefton: elephants at the dam, one, black and white
Craig Sefton: elephants at the dam, two
Craig Sefton: elephants at the dam, three
Craig Sefton: elephants at the dam, four
Craig Sefton: kudu
Craig Sefton: hornbill
Craig Sefton: glossy starling
Craig Sefton: crested barbet, two
Craig Sefton: crested barbet, three
Craig Sefton: crested barbet, four