Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Redfish caught wtih casting net
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Oysters bagged and tagged for the lab
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Paul, checking the waters just below the surface
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Jellyfish snagged with a net
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): 20101026-Breton Sound - mrgo Sampling 10-26-2010-IMG_4761
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Michael checking for life in the muddy bottom
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Paul examaning the contents of his net.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Paul examaning the contents of his net.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Some of the shrimp caught with the cast net
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Some of the shrimp caught with the cast net
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Sorting shrimp caught with the cast net
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Michael uses his excellent cast net skills.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Gathering oysters to send off to the lab for testing.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): 20101026-Breton Sound - mrgo Sampling 10-26-2010-IMG_4870
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Gathering oysters to send off to the lab for testing.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Gathering oysters to send off to the lab for testing.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): The end of a long day, Paul and Michael bag the last of the samples.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): Freeing Julia from the muddy bottom.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): heading in after a long day and fast moving rain storm
Louisiana Environmental Action Network(LEAN): The great plains of southeast Louisiana