Martijn van Sabben: Sunset Effect
abel.maestro: las Setas de Sevilla
Peter Stahl Photography: Bohemian Waxwing
Jerry Fryer: Pastels at Dusk
John Conaway _ Art & Design: Untitled: Layer 1
shalabh_sharma7: Cormorant Fisherman
Birdhouse camper: Going places
Backpackjoe: Trona Pinnacles Milkyway
Taotzu Chang: [portrait] Yoga in snow
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Observes One-of-a-Kind Star Nicknamed ‘Nasty’
it's just MIA (is back): I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
iakinavarro: Zarautz Raton de Getaria-Iñaki Navarro Gomez.
Kristinn R.: Nice Day In Iceland
fxdx: Shell Project - capture 8
Raymond Hoffmann: [ … Utakleiv ]
nurdug2010: Norðurljós/Northern lights/Aurora borealis
celta4: Austral
Ch3micals: cube
AngryTheInch42: Fantasia
matthiaswerner: hammerbrook
miki**: Special green tea*
Ulf Bodin: Sign at The Swedish Museum of Natural History
The Library of Congress: Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Shown checking electrical assemblies (LOC)
rastaschas: HIPA, a non-profit photography show for the east of England in 2015, we are currently trying to raise the profile of the event to attract sponsorship, so if you feel like visiting the site and 'liking' the page it would help hugely, many thanks
Jeff Sullivan ( Water Cuts Rock (