2muchtee: Vigil for the Summit Meeting
2muchtee: Bells ring out
2muchtee: Prayers for a Planet
2muchtee: Opening to life
2muchtee: On the window sil
2muchtee: Spanish Guitarist...Eduardo and J
2muchtee: Lamplight
2muchtee: Grey days
2muchtee: Spidery web of branches
2muchtee: Wonderful musician
2muchtee: Lighting up for the world
2muchtee: towards the green lane
2muchtee: Through the round eye
2muchtee: DSCF8539
2muchtee: outside looking in
2muchtee: The track across the fields
2muchtee: Long Shadows
2muchtee: Light on the world
2muchtee: Silent Night
2muchtee: Down our way
2muchtee: Over to the old place
2muchtee: Inside outside
2muchtee: Fun outside...after the carol service
2muchtee: In the doorway
2muchtee: In the church
2muchtee: Vigil
2muchtee: Tabla player
2muchtee: Fairy cakes
2muchtee: DSCF8519