Lovetostitch: Crail tearoom - #1 Open Door
Lovetostitch: Egg-time #3
Lovetostitch: Obsolete - or nearly
Lovetostitch: Liquid refraction
Lovetostitch: Isn't nature wonderful?
Lovetostitch: To guard against the evil eye #7
Lovetostitch: A balancing act #8 of 114
Lovetostitch: A knot in the harbour
Lovetostitch: Paperweight #10 of 114
Lovetostitch: Message on a board # 11
Lovetostitch: Chinese Zodiac #12 of 114
Lovetostitch: Sculpture 3 - #13 Scary
Lovetostitch: Mark-making #14
Lovetostitch: A streetful of chimneys
Lovetostitch: Think Green #16
Lovetostitch: A vertical frame # 17
Lovetostitch: The Great Tapestry book
Lovetostitch: The Great Tapestry page
Lovetostitch: Clock tower
Lovetostitch: Apples in a row
Lovetostitch: Tribute
Lovetostitch: The Posh Pork Pie - #22
Lovetostitch: Salmon # 23 of 114
Lovetostitch: A sweet treat # 24
Lovetostitch: Sour lemons # 25
Lovetostitch: Queueing to view the troglodyte dwellings #26
Lovetostitch: Carpet knotting - #27 Action
Lovetostitch: Lace # 28 of 114
Lovetostitch: Mixed media stitch