luvthislife: prepping for Smith Point
luvthislife: Shae & I
luvthislife: the gang at Smith Point
luvthislife: dancing at Smith Point
luvthislife: starving @ 3am
luvthislife: the Capitol
luvthislife: at Nationals game
luvthislife: Shae & I
luvthislife: Trevor & Shae
luvthislife: Nationals vs. Brewers
luvthislife: karaoke at Recessions
luvthislife: La Tasca restaurant
luvthislife: eating Spanish tapas
luvthislife: La Tasca
luvthislife: National Cathedral
luvthislife: National Cathedral
luvthislife: at National Cathedral
luvthislife: Cathedral
luvthislife: John C. Fremont
luvthislife: Let the little children. .
luvthislife: Rug at National Cathedral
luvthislife: Arlington Cemetery
luvthislife: Tomb of Unkown Soldier
luvthislife: Changing of the guards
luvthislife: Arlington Cemetery