loveitaly: baby tufted titmouse
loveitaly: little baby pecking on peanut
loveitaly: still holdin' on to that little bit of peanut left there
loveitaly: holding on for life to that peanut
loveitaly: he's baaaaack: little fledgling tufted titmouse
loveitaly: pansy to show size of this little one
loveitaly: baby tufted titmouse posing delicately for me
loveitaly: what a cutie
loveitaly: baby tufted titmouse with eyes on the prize
loveitaly: baby tufted titmouse with a prized sunflower seed
loveitaly: baby tufted titmouse at the feeder on our deck today
loveitaly: baby tufted titmouse didn't take long to figure out where the peanuts are