loveitaly: Oh, take the damn picture and let's get on with it
loveitaly: Maybe if I ignore her she'll go away
loveitaly: Wow--do they SEE all that pinestraw in those gutters up there?
loveitaly: She is incessant with that damn camera
loveitaly: Here, this is my good side
loveitaly: This is my other good side
loveitaly: Do they realize there's nothing planted in this pot but this dead thing? What's with that?
loveitaly: So, what exactly does this harridan with the camera WANT from me?
loveitaly: Hmmm...I THINK I can make it up to that suet feeder there (I think I can, I think I can)
loveitaly: Is this the place where I was told all the food is?
loveitaly: adorable baby mockingbird on our deck ledge
loveitaly: baby mockingbird
loveitaly: immature mockingbird on our deck today