Gail Durbin: Margaret and Tim
Gail Durbin: Jane and Belle
Gail Durbin: David and Tim
Gail Durbin: Kim, the best man who flew in from Boston
Gail Durbin: Chantelle, the bridesmaid
Gail Durbin: Chantelle
Gail Durbin: Tim and Belle's wedding
Gail Durbin: Tim and Kim
Gail Durbin: With the parents
Gail Durbin: Tim and Belle
Gail Durbin: Confetti
Gail Durbin: With their parents
Gail Durbin: Cheese!
Gail Durbin: Signing the register
Gail Durbin: Carol and Clare
Gail Durbin: Dave Bloor
Gail Durbin: Philly and Craig
Gail Durbin: Philly
Gail Durbin: Clare and Philly