♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Flowing water
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Going down...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Beaver Lake, Arkansas
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: "King of the Feeder"
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Lonely Tree
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Lonely Tree (Infrared)
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Winter Pink
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Love Broke Through...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: First snow (at least here)...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: What's in here?
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Quarter-petals
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Flower Art?
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Branching out...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Snowy stream...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Morning snow...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Not my flock...
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: A Tangled Reflection (Color)
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Tangled Reflection
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Singing Over A Worm!
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Thru The Lattice
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Thru The Tree
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: Happy Dogwood
♫♥LOvED88♥♫: The Hiking Shoes of Champions