My Son, My Daughter And Me
My Wife and Me at the Game
Wife and Daugher at the Ball Game!
My Kids
Daughter and Niece
Color or Black and White?
Are you talking to me?
One Bad Dude
Son Fishing
Reflections on McDonald's
Silly Kids
Portrait of My Daughter
Cousins at a Wedding (redone)
Tell me about it...
A girl and her cat (Beth and Latte)
Reflection of my wife...
Let me see...
Keeping my eyes on you
I only have eyes for you...
What's with the silly hat?
In Living Color
Dad...don't bother me, I'm reading!
Laura Smirks
Laura's Eyes
Bistro's Ticked Off
Bistro's Tongue
Wild Eyes
Beth - Face Paint
Rebekah - Face Paint
Luke and his Grandfather