cnctax: He was born on 9/3/2010 @ 5:56pm. 38 weeks & 2 days. Weighing 7 pounds 1 oz. 19.5 inches long.
cnctax: Eli is here!! I can't believe it!!
cnctax: Auntie Ting, Aunt Debbie, Grandmom, Grandpa, and Eli!
cnctax: Daddy and little Eli
cnctax: We were going home from the hospital
cnctax: Eli @ 1 day old
cnctax: I love you son
cnctax: Eli was looking at me
cnctax: Eli and Mama :) 4 days old
cnctax: Eli's feet and Auntie Ting Ting's hand
cnctax: Grandpa loves Eli!
cnctax: Eli @ 3 days old!
cnctax: Auntie Ting Ting loves Eli too!
cnctax: Eli is living a good life :)
cnctax: I love you both so much
cnctax: Smiling at each other
cnctax: Playing
cnctax: Eli and Daddy :)
cnctax: Eli was born on 9/3/2010 @ 5:56pm :)
cnctax: He is a great baby
cnctax: Eli is one week old!!
cnctax: Tommy 和他家的狗狗 (搞笑中)
cnctax: 兩個人乖乖躺著任媽媽擺佈
cnctax: 兩個 Baby 跟狗狗一樣長 :D
cnctax: chilling
cnctax: 剛喝完ㄋㄟㄋㄟ
cnctax: Cute!!
cnctax: Eli 常常在拉筋, 腳很喜歡 Stretch
cnctax: Eli and his new friend, Tommy!
cnctax: Tommy 也會看鏡頭呢!