Michiyo Photo: 函館市の夜/The night view of Hakodate
Michiyo Photo: 日の出・函館/Sunrise・Hakodate
Michiyo Photo: さっぽろテレビ塔/Sapporo TV Tower
Michiyo Photo: さっぽろテレビ塔/Sapporo TV Tower
Michiyo Photo: 札幌 沈む夕陽/Sapporo Sunset
Michiyo Photo: 札幌 沈む夕陽/Sapporo Sunset
Michiyo Photo: 札幌の夜/The night view of Sapporo
Michiyo Photo: 札幌の夜/The night view of Sapporo
Michiyo Photo: 北海道神宮/Hokkaido Shrine
Michiyo Photo: 大沼/Onuma
Michiyo Photo: 小さな花の後ろに、山を見た/Behind little flowers, I could see mountains
Michiyo Photo: 五陵郭公園/Goryoukaku Park
Michiyo Photo: 大沼/Onuma
Michiyo Photo: 緑提灯★/Green Paper lantern ★
Michiyo Photo: 飲み喰い処・桜/Drink and eat area・Sakura
Michiyo Photo: 刺/Toge
Michiyo Photo: 五陵郭タワー/Goryoukaku Tower
Michiyo Photo: 北海道神宮/Hokkaido Shrine
Michiyo Photo: 大森稲荷神社/ Omorinari Shrine
Michiyo Photo: 家族/Family
Michiyo Photo: お母さんの帽子が大好き/My mum's hat is my favourite hat
Michiyo Photo: ヤギ/ Goat
Michiyo Photo: ウサギ/Rabbit
Michiyo Photo: ウサギ/Rabbit
Michiyo Photo: ウサギ/Rabbit
Michiyo Photo: 秋田犬/ Akita Dog
Michiyo Photo: 秋田犬/ Akita Dog
Michiyo Photo: 黄色い花/Yellow Flowers
Michiyo Photo: 白い花/White Colour Flower