LD [Old account]: Dyonisosss - Battlefield
LD [Old account]: Dyonisosss - Battlefield 2
LD [Old account]: Enchanted Lake - Client Work
LD [Old account]: Phlo - My Ride (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Lizaa - I don't Care Anymore (Client Work)
LD [Old account]: Word - A New life is beginning... (Client Work)
LD [Old account]: Wax - Summer time
LD [Old account]: Mother & Daughter (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Gabriel & Lorina - After the War (client work)
LD [Old account]: Lorina - Battlefield (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Wendy - Montmartre
LD [Old account]: Capitainepink - Profile pic (Client work)
LD [Old account]: PainfulArt- Sac Hellokitty (Vendors)
LD [Old account]: Wendy & Lou - Sisterz (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Word - Battlefield (client work)
LD [Old account]: Coraline - Candles
LD [Old account]: Kako - Deejay (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Kako - Sunset (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Steven7 - Women love pretty Cars
LD [Old account]: Lizaa - Profile pic (Client work)
LD [Old account]: The smoke reveals her real identity...
LD [Old account]: Dyonisosss - Stargate
LD [Old account]: DjWax & Loute - Why a daughter needs a dad
LD [Old account]: Ancayi - Rock attitude
LD [Old account]: Lizaa & Sheluna - Ballroom (Client work)
LD [Old account]: Kako- Playin in my bathroom (client work)
LD [Old account]: Kako- Leather Rock (client work)
LD [Old account]: Kako - In the Alley (client work)
LD [Old account]: Coraline & Petiange - Holidays with you
LD [Old account]: Peyton & Kay- beverly Hills (client work)