Loulou H: Aladdin hats
Loulou H: the discarded print
Loulou H: discarded print
Loulou H: Pride!
Loulou H: That old house again!
Loulou H: "oh no not another dodgy photo!!"
Loulou H: that left over bit I always like better!
Loulou H: My man and his best friend(s)
Loulou H: Underdeveloped polaroid
Loulou H: practising with my new xmas pressie!
Loulou H: "Wherever I lay my hat................"
Loulou H: outside and in!
Loulou H: a present taken by a present!
Loulou H: dancing shadow
Loulou H: Farewell!!
Loulou H: roid reflection
Loulou H: Happy days!
Loulou H: my first sight on opening my eyes this morning!
Loulou H: the aforementioned!
Loulou H: May fair with meltdown!
Loulou H: may fair in the dark!
Loulou H: those hazy lazy days of summer!!
Loulou H: Miaow!!
Loulou H: Fancy a lick?
Loulou H: A town planner's dream?
Loulou H: Ssshhh photographer asleep........
Loulou H: point those toes!
Loulou H: 5 orange canopies!